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feeling-well Verein interner Mitglieder Login-Bereich / feeling-well Association of internal members login area:

Gesundes Abnehmen und Idealgewicht einschließlich entzündungshemmender Entgiftung einschließlich Mineralaufnahme = möglich im Körperenergiemodus OHNE NOTVERSORGUNG MODUS UND OHNE NEBENWIRKUNGEN? Schwermetalle, radioaktive Substanzen, Mikroplastik usw. in der Luft benötigen ein Ausschussbindemittel einschließlich Mineralversorgung?

Healthy weight loss and ideal weight including anti-inflammatory detoxification including mineral intake

= possible in body energy mode WITHOUT EMERGENCY MODE & WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS?

Heavy metals, radioactive substances, mikroplastics etc. in the air need a rejection binder including mineral supply?

Source: TINA magazine article No. 37 - September 6, 2017:

Why am i not losing weight?

3 reasons that surprise, for example hidden inflammation

Source: TINA magazine article No. 37 - September 6, 2017:

1. Crazy for an intensive sports program

That sports of all people prevent losing weight sounds a bit bizarre. A recent study by Arizona State University, which actually wanted to prove the opposite, came to this surprising result:

Untrained study participants who did intensive sports without paying additional attention to diet not only lost no body fat, but even gained weight. The scientists' explanation: unusually hard training is followed by excessive cravings. This usually consumes a multiple of the amount of calories that could be burned by the sport.

Source: TINA magazine article No. 37 - September 6, 2017: Why don't I lose weight - 3 reasons that surprise ...

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