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feeling-well Verein Login-Bereich / feeling-well Club Login area:

Healthy weight loss and ideal weight including anti-inflammatory detoxification including mineral intake

= possible in body energy mode WITHOUT EMERGENCY MODE & WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS?

Heavy metals, radioactive substances, mikroplastics etc. in the air need a rejection binder including mineral supply?


1st picture: August 2017 without LavaVita - Startup with VITA pure/LavaVitae

2 nd picture: August 2018 with VITA products

Without words, it is only very important when you start and what`s your priority! It`s not only for reduce your weight, it is healty and happy to find your ideal weight and not to get permanent, daily acidification!

If you are unterweight, you can even regain your ideal weight. The body regulates you back to your ideal condition without an acidic cell environment!


>> Perfect performance requires perfect behavior towards my reflection! Take in first time VITA pure and VITA intense. Than I change VITA intense with VITA cell and VITA Energy from time to time ... Without side effects! And now additionally Vita Relax as an isotonic additive in the water bottle ... WOW! ... Thanks LavaVitae!


Photo left: September 2018 without LavaVitae, according to his statement, rather depressed, feeling uncomfortable in his body, little energy. Startup with daily use of LavaVitae

Photo right: September 2019 with LavaVitae fully there again, no more depression, happy, fit and vitally powerful, again highly motivated.

Login area NOTE: If the login access is freely accessible for technical reasons, please note that according to the terms and conditions §2 point 2 with the stay in the login area - with the acceptance and notification of this free accessibility to feelingwell2021 @ - a feeling-well association membership during the stay and also an absolute duty of confidentiality after the internal, random stay and the feeling-well terms and conditions and membership are valid as accepted by the visitor. The internal stay and non-notification automatically obliges all the contents of the login area worldwide to remain silent. An infringement and publication of the content of the login area will include promptly reported due to gross violation of the data protection regulation and also due to reputation, credit and business damage.

Login-Bereich HINWEIS: Sollte der Login-Zugang aus technischen Gründen frei zugänglich sein, wird darauf hingewiesen, dass lt. AGB §2 Pkt. 2 mit dem Aufenthalt im Login-Bereich - mit der Annahme und verpflichteten Mitteilung dieser freien Zugänglichkeit an - einer feeling-well Verein Mitgliedschaft während dem Aufenthalt und auch einer absoluten Verschwiegenheitspflicht nach dem internen, zufälligen Aufenthaltes entspricht und die feeling-well AGB und Mitgliedschaft vom Besucher als angenommen Gültigkeit hat. Der interne Aufenthalt und eine Nichtmeldung verpflichtet automatisch zur Stillschweigung sämtlicher Inhalte des Login-Bereiches weltweit nach Aussen. Eine Zuwiderhandlung und eine Veröffentlichung von Inhalten des Login-Bereiches wird u.a. wegen groben Verstosses der Datenschutzverordnung und auch wegen Ruf-, Kredit- und Geschäftsschädigung prompt angezeigt.

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